TO LOVE YOU IS A CRIME – Interview with Winston
W: Today we’ll be speaking with Glen Laughlin about another song from The Cherry Bluestorms’ Bad Penny Opera. This one has the intriguing title, To Love You Is A Crime. You mentioned in our last segment that the main character Penny has a realization in this song.
GL: Yes, it’s that old chestnut about how you have to accept yourself, or love yourself, before you can truly love someone else. Another way to put it is that you take yourself with you wherever you go, so if a problem or issue persists, it might be a good idea to check on yourself. I know some people in 12-step programmes speak of “geographing”. That’s kind of what Penny did, though she had the best intentions. As it happens, her experiences do open her eyes and we are poised for the happy ending.
W: We’ll cover that in the next segment!