by Geewhiz | May 1, 2018 | News
MAY 2018 NEWS Hello and ‘Howdy Do?’ to all of you lovelies!! Yes, we’ve missed you, too! Better late than never, as they say. They also say that good things come to those who wait. We like to think that we can validate those sentiments and we’ll be making...
by Geewhiz | Apr 1, 2018 | News
APRIL 2018 NEWS LIVE AT ROUNDHOUSE RECORDING From the desk of Glen Laughlin: “As many of you know, we mounted the first “Live at Roundhouse Recording” on April 1st. It was a nearly unqualified success. We did have some minor technical difficulties at the start of the...
by Geewhiz | Dec 1, 2016 | News
December 2016 News The Cherry Bluestorms wish you and yours a fabulous holiday season and look forward to spending a smashing 2017 with you! A special greeting goes out to our friends and fans in England, as we are in the planning stages for one of our infrequent...
by Geewhiz | Aug 26, 2016 | Press
Music Junkie Press Marisol The Cherry Bluestorms are back at it with their mod psychedelic Brit power pop and they are sure to capture your attention with their newly released vinyl single. The Vinyl features SEE NO EVIL and DEAR PRUDENCE. This is a vinyl must have as...
by Geewhiz | Aug 1, 2016 | News
AUGUST 2016 NEWS THE REVIEWS ARE IN… Thank you to Goldmine Magazine and Pure Pop Radio for the great new reviews of SEE NO EVIL! “See No Evil” is a sleekly stylized rockin’ little number from the Bluestorms that features Deborah Gee’s sultry, powerful lead vocals. It...