by Geewhiz | Jan 1, 2019 | News
January 2019 News The end of one trip around the Sun and the beginning of another is a convenient and traditional time for reflection. It seems to me and at least one other person, that interest in “Power Pop” has been growing. Of course, exactly what it is that...
by Geewhiz | Oct 18, 2018 | Press
Liverpool Sound And Vision Ian D. Hall Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10 There are bands who leave you spinning with control, they are like the white willows that float in the breeze, tumbling, falling and rising with the promise of granting a wish should they be...
by Geewhiz | Jun 1, 2017 | News
June 2017 News HOME SWEET HOME We arrived back in Los Angeles just a few days ago after a phenomenal run through England. We are so grateful for the warm reception and tremendous support that we received! Thank you to everyone who came to the shows, bought merch,...
by Geewhiz | May 18, 2017 | Press
Liverpool Sound and Vision Ian D. Hall Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * * The vibe is assured, the sense of what drove the Summer of Love from the far off beaches of Los Angeles, of the cool sunglasses wearing bohemia that sent out a shock wave of hope across...
by Geewhiz | Feb 3, 2017 | News
FEBRUARY 2017 NEWS CANTER’S KIBITZ ROOM After spending the last several months focusing our energy in the studio, we are excited to be playing our first show of 2017 at Canter’s Kibitz Room on Saturday, March 4 at 10:30 PM. Robbie Rist opens for us at 10:00, and...