by Geewhiz | Jun 1, 2020 | News
JUNE 2020 NEWS The Bluestorms have been under House Arrest as have we all, thanks to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We sincerely hope that you and yours are staying healthy, happy, sane and productive. We are grateful that you are able to take time to keep up with all things...
by Geewhiz | Aug 1, 2019 | News
AUGUST 2019 NEWS Hello again to all Friends of The Cherry Bluestorms! As always, we are in the midst of several projects, feverously working away! Amongst the irons in the fire are a full-length interview conducted by the charming and erudite Steven Davies-Morris. ...
by Geewhiz | Apr 11, 2019 | Press
Goldmine Magazine John Borack The Cherry Bluestorms – Whirligig! (Roundhouse) Bookended with Beatles references—they kick things off with a rousing take of “She Said She Said” and close with a tune titled “Be Here Now” (not the G. Harrison number)—Cherry Bluestorms’...
by Geewhiz | Jan 1, 2019 | News
January 2019 News The end of one trip around the Sun and the beginning of another is a convenient and traditional time for reflection. It seems to me and at least one other person, that interest in “Power Pop” has been growing. Of course, exactly what it is that...
by Geewhiz | Nov 1, 2018 | News
NOVEMBER 2018 NEWS Since our last newsletter, “Whirligig!” has received reviews by four more outlets—the print edition of Shindig! Magazine (Issue 85), Liverpool Sound And Vision, Gonzo Reviews, and Pure Pop Radio. Check them out below! SHINDIG! LIVERPOOL SOUND AND...