The Cherry Bluestorms – Track By Track

LA MUSIC EXAMINER William Phoenix Your crusty chronicler generally does his own thing. Still, when Examiner asked for support for their “List” format, it was impossible not to be open-minded. So, with that spirit of unity and teamwork in mind, your rockin’ reviewer...

The Cherry Bluestorms at IPO Toronto!

Nov. 25, 2007 Now, touching on this business of The Cherry Bluestorms in Toronto. No doubt you are wondering about the band’s appearance at International Pop Overthrow. Well, here’s what happened… I was vaguely aware of a sound assaulting me in my bed. It...

Memory is the ally of Beauty

Nov. 23, 2006 I was reading a forum thread on Bill Nelson’s website that started out as a debate over whether Jeff Beck is a better guitarist or artist than Bill Nelson and evolved into a discussion about art in general. I put my tuppenceworth in: As Bill said:...


July 25, 2006 Hello to all. Thanks for checking out our site. This is our first foray into blogging. Although we don’t necessarily feel especially entitled to comment on any subject not directly connected with TCB, that won’t stop us from throwing our hat...

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