Buddhaman Interview with Deborah & Glen

Check out this interview that Deborah & Glen did in mid-2016 with Alan “Buddhaman” Lohr for the SpareMin app! In case you missed it, you can also check out the full-band interview and in-studio performance that we did for his radio show,...

TONIGHT! The Cherry Bluestorms on KONG Monster Rock

Tune in tonight to BuddhaMan’s International Experience – KONG MonsterRock.net as they travel back to the 1960’s and spin some of the great tunes from that era. We will perform a live acoustic set and chat with former KROQ DJ Alan...

First Two Gigs of 2016 and More!

MARCH 2016 NEWS BACK ON THE BOARDS! The Cherry Bluestorms are ready to rock the live circuit again, beginning with our first two gigs of 2016! BIG STIR: POWER POP AND MORE AT CIA Our first gig of 2016 will be a return to CIA in North Hollywood, CA for the March 19...

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