Bad Penny Overview Part 10 – London Bridge

LONDON BRIDGE – Interview with Winston W:       We are carrying on with the Bad Penny Opera song-by-song interview with Glen Laughlin. Today we’ll be discussing London Bridge. This song is another favourite, but it is difficult to know what is happening at that...

The Cherry Bluestorms Return!

BY MITCHELL L. HILLMAN – FEBRUARY 20, 2014 POSTED IN: ALBUM REVIEWS, SHOWS AROUND TOWN, UPCOMING LIVE SHOWS (ARIZONA) I had the pleasure of first catching The Cherry Bluestorms during last years International Pop Overthrow at The Sail Inn and I was immediately hooked...

In England Part I

Part I As anyone recently following The Cherry Bluestorms knows, the band recently left for their second trip to England.  For an hilarious account of the band’s 2008 adventures, see earlier editions of this Blog.  This time ’round, the band consists of Deborah Gee,...

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