MAY 2018 NEWS Hello and ‘Howdy Do?’ to all of you lovelies!! Yes, we’ve missed you, too! Better late than never, as they say. They also say that good things come to those who wait. We like to think that we can validate those sentiments and we’ll be making...

Happy Spring From The Cherry Bluestorms

We here at camp Bluestorms want to wish you all a lovely spring, and a very happy Easter to those who celebrate! We love playing music. But sometimes in the bustle of moving a mountain of gear and in the throws of pre-show nerves, trepidation replaces anticipation....

IPO London – Live Review

MINTY AND THE BEEB Our London IPO kicked off with band four, The Cherry Bluestorms who had travelled all the way from Los Angeles to play at both Liverpool and London (and a gig in Camden Town’s Dublin Castle). The Cherry Bluestorms are a great psychedelic rock band,...

Blah Blah Gear Blahg Part IV – Gear as Trojan Horse

May 02, 2009 Gear As Trojan Horse In the last instalment of “Glen Loves To Bore People Talking About His Gear”, I intimated that the gear might actually be only a means to an end. It would seem obvious that the tools were the subject, but they were not the Object. The...

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