by Geewhiz | Oct 11, 2018 | Press
Pure Pop Radio Alan Haber The Los Angeles-based pop-rockers Deborah Gee and Glen Laughlin take the world stage with their most assured and accessible long player yet. Mixing Rolling Stones affects from the Brian Jones era with other mid-sixties sounds, the Bluestorms...
by Geewhiz | Jan 26, 2017 | Press
Liverpool Sound And Vision Ian D. Hall Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10 The breathing quickens, the feeling of gravitas and surprise once more is palpable under the skin and the pulse, once steady, a continual motion of fixed security, now, with elegance...
by Geewhiz | Apr 30, 2016 | News
Tune in tonight to BuddhaMan’s International Experience – KONG as they travel back to the 1960’s and spin some of the great tunes from that era. We will perform a live acoustic set and chat with former KROQ DJ Alan...
by Geewhiz | Apr 8, 2016 | News
APRIL 2016 NEWS RODNEY ON THE ROQ We were very excited to discover this week that legendary LA DJ Rodney Bingenheimer has added our version of The Beatles’ “Baby You’re A Rich Man” to the playlist for his show, Rodney On The ROQ! The SoundCloud...
by Cafearoma1 | Feb 27, 2014 | Press Cherry Bluestorms were up next and they did not disappoint. They played a brilliant psychedelic mix of new songs as well as songs from their two previous albums. They have a third album in the...